Thursday, December 11, 2008


Adam took this picture of Sadie yesterday. She is the cutest baby ever. He was working on a paper and he sat her on the bed (next to the desk) with some toys. He said she was content and playing independently for about 30 minutes! She seems to enjoy sitting in her bumbo as long as she has toys to play with and someone is next to her. Adam is having a long week he was off on Sunday, but he's working an 8 day stretch right now. I feel for him, he is a trooper. I know he must be tired, but he is still so attentive to Sadie and I. Everyday I thank God for bringing him back into my life and giving me more than I could ever ask for. We are so blessed to have each other, Sadie, our families and friends. I know there are so many people out there right now who are feeling the effects of the state of our economy right now. I know many of them have children and are losing their jobs and homes. It just reminds me everyday to not take for granted what we have and how blessed we are. I hope that we can raise Sadie to know and understand how lucky she is to have so many opportunities available to her. She is such a joy in our lives. Anyhow, I am rambling. Sadie is back at daycare tomorrow and then she will be there all next week. I hope that it won't take her too long to get used to it and being with the people and other children there. We will see. Loves y'all.